Terms & Conditions
Cancellation and refund
If a participant does not wish to participate in the event any more, they must declare their withdrawal by e-mail to the organiser (midsummerswing@gmail.com).
Finding a substitute for participation in the festival on your own, if you cannot participate yourself, is a valid option. If a substitute is found, please inform the organisers by e-mail, so that the list of participants can be updated. If this doesn’t happen, access might be denied to the substitute. The financial side should be dealt with between the participant and their substitute, the organisers do not get involved.
If we have to cancel the event due to force majeure, we will refund the amount minus 25% administrative costs.
Once a full pass or party pass has been purchased, there is no refund option. However, selling your ticket to a subsitute and informing the organisers about the name change is possible and recommended (see 1st point).
We cannot reimburse costs for accommodation, transport and other expenses in connection with your planned visit to Midsummer Swing.
Payment and provision of services
If payment is not received within the specified payment deadline, the event booking may be cancelled.
Payment by instalments is not possible.
The organiser reserves the right to change announced bands or DJ*anes. Likewise, temporal or spatial postponements may take place. These will be announced in good time before or during the event.
General guidelines
If you feel sick or unwell, do not participate in the event.
Wash or disinfect your hands regularly, especially before attending a dance class or party. Take care of personal hygiene.
Participation in the event is at your own risk and entirely your own responsibility.
Photos and video recordings during the festival
Photos and video recordings during classes requires the explicit consent of the dance teachers. Publishing photos and video recordings from the classes is not permitted unless by the organisers of the festival.
By participating in the festival, participants agree to the use and publication of photos and video recordings of the festival, which may show the respective participants.